Why is it so hard to be nice to everyone around you?


If you’ve never seen the statement above, I hope it speaks to you. Take a second away from your busy lives to let this really sink in. Everyone is going through a struggle. Have you ever had one of those days where everything felt like it was going wrong and you were on the brink of just breaking down and giving up on everything? One harsh or mean comment could throw anyone over the edge depending on their situation. Every man is someones son, maybe even a father, brother, best friend, lover. Every woman is someones daughter, maybe mother, sister, best friend or companion. Suicide is a very real thing, so is murder, road rage/car accidents too. Not saying being nice is going to fix all of these problems and make them go away forever but the numbers could drop.

If you’ve ever heard/spoken the words “I hate people” that should be your first red flag.

Yeah, people suck. I will agree with that 110%. We are so hateful to one another all the time. Girls bashing other girls for being too fat or too skinny, or for sleeping around too much or too little, wearing clothes that aren’t the same as what we wear. ATTENTION LADIES: We are all beautiful. We should be working together, not against each other. Women have come so far in history, but it wasn’t accomplished by all of us being divided. So lets come together again. I challenge you, next time you’re out – tell a lovely lady that shes pretty, or that you like her hair or shirt. Watch her face light up! And it doesn’t have to just be girls, compliment EVERYONE! Prove to everyone you meet that there are still good people out there. Its a chain reaction. When you make someone feel good about themselves, they go out and make someone feel good, then they go out and do the same. Soon enough, you’ll be out running errands and someone is going to make you feel good about yourself, it will come back to you eventually. Although, you shouldn’t do things to get something back, that’s not how it works.

I live by the motto: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world” -Mahatma Gandhi.

I know the main problem I have when it comes to dealing with other people is that I have lost all my patience. In traffic I whizzed past other cars, I would break-check people when they flew up to my car. I’m admitting I’m far from perfect, but I am working on being a better person. I leave my house a few minutes earlier now so I’m not in a rush, or so if I hit traffic I don’t start to lose my temper. We have to work on ourselves before we can ask others to change.

I’ve worked in the service industry for about 6 or 7 years now. I couldn’t tell you how many times someone blew up on me for something far out of my control. This happens to people in the service industry countless times a day. Put yourself in that persons shoes when you’re dealing with them. Do you want to be yelled at over the price of an item when you, as a cashier, have nothing to do with pricing? No. Would you, as a server, want to be cussed at because the cook staff is backed up and can’t get an order out right away? Probably not. So why do we do this to service industry personnel? Because we’re a selfish, shitty human race. We want what we want, when we want it. As consumers we feel entitled. But most of us have jobs, where we work for the money we spend. We spend our money at other places, where people are working for their money. WE ARE ALL EQUAL. We are all doing our best to get by. We all work for a paycheck. So stop treating people so terribly when they are just trying to do their job, because chances are you wouldn’t want someone coming into your work and ruining your shift because they’re having a bad day.

Smiling at people, complimenting them, understanding that they are human just like us and might have something going on, having patience, WHY IS THIS SO HARD PEOPLE? I double dog dare you to just go out today and be nice to everyone you come in contact with, be a decent person for a full 24 hours, then try to tell me that you don’t feel different.

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